"The lover can see, and the knowledgeable."
—Annie Dillard, "Seeing," Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

07 February 2011

spinal erectors and abdominal muscles

Muscle Assignment #2 
Friday, Feb. 12, for 301-001 and 
Thursday, Feb. 11, for 301-002

quadratus lumborum,
vol. 5: pp. 60-61
make sure you build both triangles of this muscle.

external obliques,
vol. 5: pp. 78-79
pay extra attention to the digitations along the rib cage. each point should land on a rib.

rectus abdominis,
vol. 5: pp. 72-73
indicate navel and tendinous inscriptions.

Muscle Assignment #1 (due Monday, Feb 7 [301-001] and Tuesday, Feb. 8 [301-002])

spinal erectors

-cervicis, vol. 1: pp. 94-95
note the space here between the spinous processes and the transverse processes--the muscle is on the spinous processes, far back on the dorsal surface

-capitis, vol. 1: pp. 96-97
note this muscle's relation to the nuchal ligament and remember that ligament on your maniken is already there (the plastic behind the cervical vertebrae on your manikens)

-thoracis, vol. 1: pp. 98-100
same as the cervicis--look at the space between this muscle and the surface of the rib cage. keep the muscle away from the surface of the rib cage.

look at how all these sections twist together, like three pieces of a rope

-capitis, vol. 1: pp. 106-107

-cervicis, vol. 1: pp. 108-109

-thoracis, vol.1: pp. 110-111
look here at how rounded out the thoracis is from side to side, also how there is space behind it, how it doesn't glue itself to the rib cage. also make sure to build the lumbodorsal fascia.

this muscle is similar to longissimus in how its pieces twist
-cervicis, vol. 1: pp. 116-117
this segment appears to come out quite far. this appears this way because it is wrapping next to the longissimus, not really sticking out in space.

-thoracis, vol. 1: pp. 118-119

-lumborum, vol. 5: pp. 62-63
remember this is in book number five. it will also connect to the lumbodorsal fascia.

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