"The lover can see, and the knowledgeable."
—Annie Dillard, "Seeing," Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

24 February 2011

Midterm Portfolios ~ Spring 2011

Midterm Portfolio

Thursday, March 3 (ART 301-002)
Friday, March 4 (ART 301-001)

For your midterm portfolio:

  1. Choose your ten best drawings from the class so far.
  2. Include at least some drawings of different lengths of time (30 seconds, 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
  3. If you do not have a high-quality digital camera, check one out from the Robert Swanson Learning Center or from the Visual Resources Center.
  4. Photograph your drawings.
  5. Photograph your Maniken from the following points of view: 1) Posterior [head to mid-calf], 2) Anterior [head to mid-calf], 3) Lateral [head to mid-calf]
  6. Photos should be in focus and cropped (show only drawing, not wall, floor, or drawing horse, etc. behind the drawing).
  7. Photos of Maniken should be taken with a plain black background. I will have a piece of black fabric up in the Life Drawing room for you to use for this purpose.
  8. Correct the photos for exposure and contrast--not too light, not too dark. You can use Preview or Photoshop to do this.
  9. The black background for Manikens should look black and plain. If it doesn't, darken photo by reducing exposure on preview or Photoshop.
  10. If you do not have a flickr account, create one.
  11. Create two sets on flickr: 1) Midterm Drawings, and 2) Midterm Maniken
  12. Post your chosen 10 drawings to the set "Midterm Drawings."
  13. Post your three views of your Maniken to the set "Midterm Maniken."
  14. Title each drawing (something simple like "Drawing 1,"  "Maniken Anterior," will be fine.)
  15. Post a link to your flickr account in your Midterm Blog Post. This link should be the first item in your post and should be at the top of the post (in other words, make this easy for me to find).
  16. Your Midterm Blog Post will serve as your blog assignment that would normally be due Sunday, March 6 (so it will be due 2 - 3 days earlier, depending upon which section you are in).
  17. In your midterm blog post, write a 300 word minimum reflection of the first half of the semester. Example questions to consider: what have you learned so far, what changes have you noticed in your drawing skills, what do you understand about the figure that you didn't coming into the class, what do you hope to learn in the second half of the semester, what haven't we covered in class that you would still like to, etc.
  18. Include at least one image with the post.
  19. In your reflection, refer to some specific parts of the drawings in your portfolio. For example, "I learned how to correct the length between the rib cage and pelvis, as you can see in 'Drawing 4.'"
  20. Before the midterm portfolio due date, make sure you have caught up on all blog posting and commenting.
  21. Your portfolio will be graded upon the quality of your  1) drawings, 2) maniken work, and 3) blog.
  22. For a good example of a midterm portfolio and blog post, click here. Requirements were slightly different, but the reflection and flickr account set up basics are well-done.

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