"The lover can see, and the knowledgeable."
—Annie Dillard, "Seeing," Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

30 October 2008

assignment for tuesday, november 4

build the following leg muscles

(look them up in the index of volume 4, pelvic skeleton)

posterior leg:

deep muscles of the posterior leg:
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
flexor hallucis longus

superficial muscles of the posterior leg:


anterior leg = extensors (dorsiflexors)

tibialis anterior - this muscle begins high on the lateral tibia. its tendon crosses over to the medial ankle and foot. (this cross-over tendon creates, as robert beverly hale writes, a form the size of the nose--by paying attention to it while building and drawing, you can create a nice transition from leg to foot).

extensor digitorum longus (long extensor of the toes)
extensor hallucis longus (long extensor of the big toe)
peroneus tertius (consider this part of the extensor digitorum longus, as its fifth tendon.)

lateral leg

peroneal brevis (left)
peroneal longus (right)

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