welcome to a new semester! for class on tuesday (september 9) you will need basic drawing supplies. you can purchase all these @ penco. andy--the manager there--is very helpful, so if you have questions while you're there, ask!
- one 26" x 38" drawing board
- 24" x 36" sheets of newsprint (these are sold by the sheet--$0.10 per sheet. i'd suggest starting with 30 - 50 sheets and getting more as needed.)
- one (for now) 18" x 24" pad of biggie drawing paper (red cover)
- one 18" x 24" pad of good quality drawing paper (i think it is strathmore brand with a green cover)
- one pad of 18" x 24" tracing paper
- a few packages of vine charcoal (soft and medium)
- a few packages of conté crayon (any color except white or grey. i prefer the black hb because it is the hardest--i have a naturally dark and heavy touch, so the harder conte helps me stay light)
- 2-3 conté pencils--any color except white
- 2-3 charcoal pencils--a variety of hardnesses
- 2-3 sticks of compressed charcoal--a variety of hardnesses
- pencil sharpener for pencil-type tools
- x-acto knife
- extra x-acto blades
- sandpaper (i suggest getting big sheets of this from wal-mart or fleet farm, etc., but you can get the small sheets with the handle at penco)
- white vinyl/plastic eraser--rectangular kind
- white vinyl/plastic eraser--mechanical pencil kind
- grey eraser that looks like a thick pencil (with holes along the sides)
- refills for mechanical-pencil-style eraser
I didn't know where else to put this, so hopefully here is ok, but this is my (Erin Maurer) blog URL for this class: erinmaurer@blogspot.com
ok I guess I couldn't figure it out either, so here:
Matt Stauffer's Life Drawing Blog
Here is my Blog:
Nicole Harvieux Life Drawing http://nicoleharvieuxlifedrawing.blogspot.com/
yay blog for you:)
Channa's Blog
blog for Ryan Leynse
Here's my blog...
Chelsey Schock's Life Drawing Blog URL
here is my blog.
Lance Schott
here goes nothin...
Erik Theissen, Life Drawing 1, sect.1
hope you don't mind me giving you my URL for my blog here Joshua Jankowski-http://www.blogger.com/profile/00451175953302804672
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